Sunday, 24 August 2008

new online screenwriting course

I recently found an anonymous Google video version of 'Feis' (a 10 minute film I wrote) that's totally out of synch, sound-wise, and pre-dates the final grading. No big deal, but it's prompted me to get a better copy out there. If you're interested you can view it via this link on my sidebar.
Feis is also to be included, amongst several other short films, in 'The 'Craft of Screenwriting' online course to be run by New Writing South, tutored by Julie Everton and accredited by University of Sussex. The course, that provides support for writing a short film script, is in two modules and starts this October. I went on the 'live' version of this course some time ago at Lighthouse and this is where 'Feis' was first developed with the lovely, helpful Julie as tutor.
There's lots of useful material in the online course, including different drafts of the scripts and original ideas, to compare with finished products. I found it really interesting to look back at my own early versions - very different from where it ended up.


millar prescott said...

Hey Josie - I found your blog via your comment on The Rouge Wave. Julie's blog is top of my list. I have just subscribed to yours. Great blog. Look forward to regular reading.

josie said...

Thanks Millar. I hope I manage regular writing too.