Tuesday, 19 August 2008

private blogging

Yesterday I set up a totally private blog. I am the only person who can read it or write in it and it is not available on search engines. Why does this feel like I've stumbled upon a secret garden? It's as though I just have to enter the password and I'm striding through acres of untrodden ground, exploring dank primeval forests, tumbling into corners of undergrowth where the little people carelessly offer me their crock of shining gold. In short, I've discovered creative paradise. It's early days yet but I've gotta tell you, I feel unleashed.
My idea was that the private blog would be somewhere to jot random and undeveloped thoughts, observations and images with a chance of being able to retrieve them via labels (retrieval of jottings has aways been a problem for me). But I discovered a contrary freedom too in being contained within that neat little blog post box. And the fact that it's private and still a blog makes it an ambiguous liminal space between public and private worlds. I like it. I want to scatter it with words and see which ones take root. Does everyone have one?


Vanessa Gebbie said...

what a brilliant brilliant idea. Like having a sectret diary under the bed with a combination lock... wonderful. I hope it aids and abets some gorgeous creative stuff!



josie said...

Thanks Vanessa - yes just like a secret diary with a little key. Gorgeous stuff hopefully lurking.